
Graphus Makes Cents Bundle

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If you already have conventional email security with a Secure Email Gateway or legacy tool, you may be wondering why you should shell out the money for automated email security with Graphus. Do you really need automatic phishing defense, or is it all just hype about a shiny new technology?

We’re so glad you asked. Our analysis of the value proposition that Graphus brings to the table clearly shows why the smart money is on updating your email security with AI to secure your business against today’s biggest threats. Get the facts about the ROI (and peace of mind) you’ll enjoy from choosing automated phishing protection with Graphus now. In this bundle, you’ll get:

  • The “Automated Email Security Makes Cents” eBook, packed with facts about the financial value of Graphus
  • An infographic illustrating the benefits of Graphus versus a Secure Email Gateway (SEG)
  • A checklist of the cutting-edge email security features that you’ll get with Graphus

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Some of the biggest names from a variety of industries trust Graphus to defend their systems from phishing attacks
AWS Partner Network
Newk's Eatery | Graphus Case Study
Martin Engineering
Dollar Shave Club
U.S. Metals
Rio Grande Foods
United Church Homes
FI Consulting
Provenance Technology Inc.
Meadowgate Technologies
Advantage Technologies