How to Spot Phishing Emails: 10 Phishing Red Flags to Look For

Phishing emails can be tricky to detect. Keeping these 10 red flags in mind can help employees spot phishing emails and prevent cyberattacks on the organization.
Read the Blog PostPhishing emails can be tricky to detect. Keeping these 10 red flags in mind can help employees spot phishing emails and prevent cyberattacks on the organization.
Read the Blog PostSpear phishing is a form of phishing attack that uses specific information to target individuals or organizations. Learn what to look for and how to prevent it.
Read the Blog PostSee data from real phishing simulations that shows which phishing tricks employees fall for & which industries are in the most danger!
Read the Blog PostTake a look at the types of malicious messages Graphus detected in 2021 and what phishing tricks employees fell for the most.
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Read the Blog PostEmployees handle PDFs & Office files all day. But can they spot the difference between a real PDF & phishing? See why you need Graphus.
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