6 Essential Resources for Strengthening Your Email Security in 2023

December 23, 2022

Have you made your plan for security success next year? Powerful, effective email security must be one of the cornerstones of that plan. After all, 90% of incidents that end in a cyberattack start with a phishing email. Keeping your organization safe from phishing is a daunting task, but these six handy resources can help you make all the right defensive moves to put powerful protection between your organization and email-based cybercrime.  

The Characteristics of a Successful Security Solution 

One of the biggest challenges you’ll face is choosing the right email security solution for your organization. What will a quality email security solution do, and how can you make sure that you’re choosing one? This checklist gives you clarity y shedding light on the ten characteristics that you’ll find in an innovative and successful email security solution. 


The Comprehensive Guide to Business Email Compromise 

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) declared business email compromise (BEC) the most expensive cyberattack that businesses can face, 64 times worse than ransomware. In this comprehensive guide to Business Email Compromise, you’ll learn the ins and outs of this dangerous cyberattack including: 

  • The types of BEC that you may encounter and how attacks spawn 
  • Walkthroughs of common BEC attack scenarios 
  • How AI-driven, automated security helps you mount a strong defense against phishing-related cybercrime like BEC 


The Ransomware Road to Ruin 

Ransomware is today’s nastiest threat, and it is far too easy for businesses to fall victim to it. This infographic walks you step by step down the slippery slope of a ransomware attack, with tips to help you prevent disaster. Today ransomware is practically its own industry, providing a payday for cybercriminals of every stripe from big players and dark web freelancers while presenting a tremendous danger to businesses. Follow the path from the launch of an attack to the devastating outcome for a business. 

It’s perfect for explaining how ransomware works to users! 


Email Security Buyer’s Guide

Every organization’s needs are unique but figuring out which solution is right for your organization can be tricky. We’re here to help.

In this new Email Security Buyer’s Guide, you’ll find all the information you need to choose the email security solution that will best protect your organization from email threats, like phishing. Download it to explore:

  • The common types of email security available today
  • The advantages and disadvantages of each type
  • What to look for to choose a solution that works for your organization


1 Million Reasons Why Choosing the Right Email Security is More Important Than Ever 

For the first time, over one million phishing attacks were recorded in a single quarter in Q2 2023. That’s one million security threats bombarding businesses. 

In this infographic, explore the five biggest drivers behind that flood of risk and why email security is the cornerstone of a strong defense against cybercrime. 


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