10 Facts About Security Automation That You’ll Want To See

July 09, 2021

When you choose an automated security solution like Graphus, you’re not just choosing to buy a new tool – you’re also investing in the promise of an innovative future for your business. One of the hottest topics in security today is the power of security automation. AI and automation give businesses the chance to do more with less while still increasing their security posture. These 10 facts about security automation can help you gain a fresh perspective on why it’s at the top of everyone’s list. 

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10 Facts About Security Automation That Show Why It Is the Way of the Future

Automated security isn’t a luxury. See why Graphus is a smart buy.

Automation is a Key Defensive Player

In the IBM/Ponemon Institute “Cost of a Data Breach 2020” survey, the benefits of always-on AI technology in preventing and remediating breaches faster were indisputable.  

With fully deployed security automation, companies averaged 175 days to identify a breach and 59 days to contain it, for a total incident resolution time of 234 days. 

Without security automation, companies averaged 228 days to identify a breach and 80 days to contain it, for a total incident resolution time of 308 days.  

AI and security automation enabled organizations to respond to breaches nearly 30 percent faster than companies without security automation. 

AI reduces the mean response time to a breach by 79 percent.

What’s next in phishing? Find out in the 2021 State of Email Security Report! GET IT NOW>>

Affordable AI-powered Security Automation is Here

Graphus reliably defends your business from cybersecurity risks like phishing 24/7/365. This powerful automated guardian is easy to set up and gathers its own threat intelligence, eliminating the need for human staffers to add threat reports or tinker with settings. Powered by an AI that never stops learning, Graphus learns your communication patterns to tailor your protection perfectly, defending your business from trouble by putting three strong shields between you and the bad guys.

  • TrustGraph uses more than 50 separate data points to analyze incoming messages completely before allowing them to pass into employee inboxes. TrustGraph also learns from each analysis it completes, adding that information to its knowledge base to continually refine your protection and keep learning without human intervention.
  • EmployeeShield adds a bright, noticeable box to messages that could be dangerous, notifying staffers of unexpected communications that may be undesirable and empowering staffers to report that message with one click for administrator inspection.
  • Phish911 enables employees to instantly report any suspicious message that they receive. When an employee reports a problem, the email in question isn’t just removed from that employee’s inbox — it is removed from everyone’s inbox and automatically quarantined for administrator review.

Don’t keep throwing bad money after good to prop up old-fashioned manual security solutions. Discover the benefits of affordable AI-powered smart automation for your business. Schedule a demo of Graphus today.

Stay safe from even the most sophisticated cyberattacks and social engineering scams

Put the powerful TrustGraph® AI of Graphus to work for your business, and in minutes you’ll get a powerful, easy-to-use, and customizable EmployeeShield® against phishing attacks.
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