3 New Ways to Start Conversations About Security Automation

April 08, 2021

The benefits of security automation are enormous. But in a challenging economy, starting conversations that involve spending money can be tricky. These 3 avenues of approach for starting conversations about why choosing automated phishing defense is key for delivering strong security that is also a fantastic value!

Automated Email Security is a Huge Budget Benefit

Today’s tumultuous world economy is a rollercoaster ride for every business. Every department in most organizations is feeling the pinch of tightened budgets and everyone is trying to do more with less. While things are on an upswing, decision-makers may still be feeling cautious. So meet them where they are by speaking to the benefits that automating email security has for their bottom line.

3 essential facts for this conversation:

  • Security automation can save more than 80% of the cost of manual security 
  • Automation tools can save up to 50% of recovery costs in the event of a cybersecurity incident 
  • AI helps solve the IT skills gap quickly and affordably.

These resources can help with this conversation:

Security Automation Just Works Better

When you clear away all of the static, one basic fact stands out: Smart automated email security is just better than traditional security, and we’ve got the data to back that up. With so many options in the space, it can be challenging to really dig down to the nitty gritty of why adding automated email security to an IT security plan both strengthens security now and adds the foundation that you need for strong protection tomorrow

3 essential facts for this conversation:

  • Automated email security catches 40% more phishing threats than traditional security.
  • 60 percent of employees in an average company are vulnerable to being fooled by a phishing message.
  • 90% of incidents that end in a data breach start with a phishing email.

These resources can help with this conversation:

  • Superstar Security – Get a quick, fact-filled overview of why adding automated email security to your security strategy brings a galaxy of benefits by focusing on stopping cybercrime by stopping phishing.
  • Shields Up! – Explore the power of each of the 3 shields that Graphus puts between phishing email and businesses reducing a company’s overall attack service.
  • 5 Reasons Why Graphus Beats SEGs – Use this infographic to quickly show why Graphus is a better email security choice than a clunky SEG in a point-by-point comparison infographic

Automated Anti Phishing Technology is a Cyber Resilience Game-Changer

It’s not viable to simply shut down operations for a few days to stop incoming attacks anymore. Companies have to be able to act under pressure because cyberthreats lurk around every corner. Automation adds agility that can’t be beat while making sure that companies have all of the bases covered.

3 essential facts for this conversation:

  • AI and security automation-enabled organizations to respond to breaches nearly 30% faster than companies without security automation.
  • Companies investing in automation have a four-fold advantage in stopping a targeted cyberattack.
  • IBM estimates that 70% of the most cyber-resilient organizations have deployed automated security

These resources can help with this conversation:

  • Can Your Email Security Solution Do These 10 Things? – With this checklist, it’s easy to show where traditional security is holding the company back.
  • Fresh Phish – Quickly illustrate just how serious phishing is including stats about exponential phishing growth and just how frequently companies have to mitigate phishing attacks these days.
  • 3 Shields Up! -Show the flexibility and power of layered protection using the 3 Grahpus shields with an infographic that makes it easy to visualize.

Ready to take the next step? Contact one of our experts to get started with Graphus.