Where Does Phishing Start? This Report Lays it Out

Phishing threats seem like they’re everywhere. At the heart of many damaging cyberattacks, businesses and employee inboxes are endlessly under siege by dangerous phishing email. We know that those messages are being sent by cybercriminals who are trying to lure unwary employees into their traps. But where are they sending their poisoned messages from?
In a study done by experts at Columbia University in concert with Barracuda, we get the answer to that question and more details about who is most involved in running phishing scams and what could be a clue that a message is illegitimate. Researchers studied a sample of more than 2 billion emails in order to discover the key geographic locations for practitioners of phishing-based cybercrime. The breakdown is a fascinating look at how geography factors in to determining if a message is genuine or phishing.
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Location, Location, Location
Where an email starts its journey to the target is a telling clue as to its intent. Just as phishing attackers have preyed on the large number of employees working remotely to carry out their schemes, cybercriminals are working remotely too In general, researchers found that countries with a higher probability of being the point of origin for phishing are typically located in parts of Eastern Europe, Central America, the Middle East and Africa. It is important to note that even though a country has a high volume of phishing originating from there, it can still have an extremely low probability of phishing. The study cited an example that showed that even though 129,369 phishing emails in the dataset were sent from the US, there’s still only a 0.02% probability of an email sent from the US being phishing, and most countries had a phishing probability of 10% or less.
The countries which generate a higher volume of phishing emails (more than 1,000 emails in the dataset) are clustered in just a few regions. The study noted that messages with a higher probability of phishing originated from these locales (in descending order):
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Serbia
- Ukraine
- Russia
- Bahamas
- Puerto Rico
- Colombia
- Iran
- Palestine
- Kazakhstan
See the tide of phishing rise & fall to spot future trends in the eBook Fresh Phish. GET IT>>
Follow That ISP
So who owns the networks that cybercriminals are using to send out their poison pen letters? Surprisingly, it’s the large cloud service providers that cybercriminals are using the most. These big players do have one major factor that drives them to the top of the list for the very highest number of phishing attacks originated – they have the largest total volume of emails sent.
Which makes sense. More email, more phishing. An estimated 1 in 99 emails that a business receives are phishing messages. The majority of those messages are adjudicated by a human, and humans make mistakes. That’s why a precipitate increase in email volume is one of the triggers that spawned the current phishing crisis, and that crisis shows no signs of abating as email volume is expected to continue rising. Roughly 306.4 billion e-mails were estimated to have been sent and received each day in 2020, and this figure is expected to increase to over 376.4 billion daily emails by 2025.
That means that while the probability of an email being sent using one of the major networks being a phishing email is very low, their total volume of phishing will be high simply from their outsized presence. The researchers also noted that they suspect that most of the attacks originating from these networks are coming from compromised email accounts or servers and that cybercriminals accessed those assets with compromised passwords. Amazon, Microsoft and Twitter had the highest volume of phishing emails sent from within their infrastructure.
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Frequent Flyers May Be Packing Disaster
Researchers also noted that phishing emails are one-fifth more likely to take a circuitous path to their target. In their sample, about 60% of the phishing emails that they studied had traversed through two or fewer countries before arriving at their final destination. In contrast, 80% of benign emails had made their way to the target through two or fewer countries, including messages rife with ransomware. This indicates that a good feature for a phishing detection classifier could be to look at the number of distinct countries an email passes through before it arrives in an employee inbox, and if that number is high, that message may not be legitimate.
Another telling clue could be the cloud provider. In the study, researchers noted that some of the highest volume phishing attacks and messages that have a high phishing probability are originating from just a few less well-known networks belonging to cloud service providers that don’t handle a high email volume. Those providers include LayerHost, Rackspace and Salesforce. Their networks have a much lower volume of total email traffic than the top three networks, but they are the point of origin for a significant amount of phishing email – which translates into a much higher probability of an email originating from their networks being malicious or carrying ransomware.
What’s next in phishing? Find out in the 2021 State of Email Security Report! GET IT NOW>>
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